View Profile kickassman1

22 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses

It goes through the credits then...

It shows some 4 legged dude going to his death, I don't get it at all.

I agree with the guy below me

This game was good, but it can be improved. Online play would make this game rock! You should probably look into that ^^

It was a good game, the only problem was, it was the same thing over and over again, although the zomb dog was a good idea but it wasn't difficult enough.

But it was a good game, so 7/10 and 5 xD


goood game but i couldnt play it, im so use to it being inverted that i sucked so much when its the other way round, maybe if u are gonna make a game like this, have a option for inverted and normal

Not bad

You are so lucky that I have a good voting power I got it up from 1.62 to 1.70
Anyway it was awesome that I could finally test my maze that I made.
Their should be other things like instead of having all these teleporters linking to the same place you should have like a specific teleporter to a portal that will make the game a whole lot more fun and harder. Anyway I am running out of time so I'll give you an email on other suggestions I think you should add to the game



its ok but was to boring


wasn't bad but way to easy to cheat on

Kwing responds:

It was like that on purpose so I wouldn't get as many complaints on it...

it was ok

it was good but u need to add more to it


it was aight played for a bit ;p


It is ok but it got to repetitive, try to get powerups and stuff, and instead of using the mouse try using key board and stuff then it might be more challenging but other then that it was ok

DannyP responds:

I normally make my games with keyboard controls, but I wanted to try something new... And I think people would panic when surrounded by enemy ninjas, so just pointing in the direction you want to go would probably be better for most people. If I make a longer game of a similar style, I'll have power ups and stuff, but this one was just meant to be short.


good game but i got to pised of, i did every job, made him have perfect health, 40+ respect, full energy (couldnt get the work hting up) and i still couldnt buy anything but the work out things and the soccer ball wtf am i doing wrong!

Heh Hi?

Jesse Lewis @kickassman1

Age 30, Male

I don't know


Brisbane, Australia

Joined on 2/20/07

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